Dun aksam tv.lerdeki Beit-Hanun (Gazze) deki goruntuler uzerine IL karsitlari, hemen soykirimla ithamda bulundular. Aslinda "soykirim" i bu denli ucuzlatmakla, bindigimiz dali kesiyoruz ya, neyse konumuz disi.
Dun IL ucaklari tespit ettikleri silahli Hamas'lilara karsi ates ettiklerinde 2 terorist (kimine gore militan) oldurulmustur. Ancak havadan ates edildiginde silah ve cephane yuklu Hamas'lilarin uzerindeki cephane (muhimmat) patlamis, patlamanin siddetiyle etrafinda saklandiklari ev cokmustur.
Malesef evin cokmesiyle icinde bulunan Anne ve 4 cocugu (1 i bebek) olmuslerdir. Tsahal (IL ordusu), kesinlikle eve ates etmediklerini ve bunun kanitlanabilecegini iddia etmektedir.
Olulerden rant kazanmaya calistiklari bircok kez kanitlanan Hamaslilar gibi kullananlara ithaf olunur.
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3537050,00.htmlIDF: Palestinian family killed by terrorist bomb
Mother, four children killed in Gaza Strip Monday morning died after explosive device carried by terrorists blew up, IDF says. Army inquiry shows that device exploded after terrorists were targeted by Air Force
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 04.28.08, 18:54 / Israel News
Army says terrorist bomb killed Gaza family: The death of five members of the Abu Meatak family in the Gaza Strip earlier Monday was caused after an explosive device carried by terrorists blew up, the IDF said.
Four Palestinian children and their mother were killed after the army targeted terrorists in the area. The IDF strike left a total of seven Palestinians dead.
The army's investigation into the incident concluded that two Palestinian terrorists were attacked and hit from the air, causing the bomb they were carrying to explode and destroying the Abu Meatak family home. The house was hit while the family was at the breakfast table.
Speaking after the Beit Hanoun incident, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Hamas was responsible for the deaths of Gaza civilians.
"We hold Hamas responsible for anything that goes on inside Gaza and for all the strikes," Barak said during a tour of an Israel Military Industries facility in central Israel.
"Hamas, which operates from inside population concentrations and keeps explosive devices in civilian areas, is also responsible for some of the civilian casualties in these operations," he said.
Initially, the IDF said that the Air force fired at a group of armed Palestinians spotted near army forces on the outskirts of Beit Hanoun. During the operation, an IDF soldier sustained light leg injuries and was taken to hospital. Troops at the scene meanwhile exchanged fire with several Palestinian gunmen.