i have question about the website that you are running on.
Are there any masons who is the member of your web site or running this web site ?My concern is how can i be sure about the information that you provide to my or other's questions will be trustful?
Yes, we have quite a few masons here on this board. They could be distinguished from the non-mason members by the ranks under their nick names. This is not to be confused with avatars which are merely tools to present whatever that member wants to show to other people. As you might see there are some members who have square and compasses on their avatars, but are not designated as a mason. This is due to:
1- Member not being a mason
2- Member who calls himself a mason, but is not a member of a REGULAR masonic lodge
3- Member being a mason, has not gone through proper steps to be recognized by the administive board of this forum.
How can you be sure? I don't know. If you are a brother mason you would know how to recognize us, but if not I guess you'll always be in doubt as to who is who, as it is almost the same way in any internet environment.
We as masons pride ourselves of being just, fair and honest. It is up to the reader to distinguish between what's right and what's wrong by using reason, logic, experience, education and thus knowledge. We call this process "receiving the light"
I hope this message explains how this forum operates, and answers your question.
Thank you for visiting.