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Gönderen Konu: "Altin Milyard" nedir? ve birde 300 aile klani nedir?  (Okunma sayısı 16889 defa)

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Ocak 22, 2009, 12:44:44 ös
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bu sorularıma aydınlık getirmeyinizi rica ederim

Ocak 22, 2009, 02:32:51 ös
Yanıtla #1
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Jhon Coleman ve onun *commitet 300* kitabı?

Ocak 22, 2009, 04:56:20 ös
Yanıtla #2
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Jhon Coleman in kitapllarini okudunuzmu?

Ocak 28, 2009, 05:12:32 ös
Yanıtla #3
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P-2,Rim kulubu nedir?Kissindjer kimdir?

Ocak 28, 2009, 05:28:28 ös
Yanıtla #4
  • Mason
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Sayin Mahir,

Dikkat ettiyseniz, sorulariniza ne Mason'lardan ne de haricilerden yanit elmiyor. Demek ki bir yerlerde br mantik hatasi ya da uslup farki var. Ya da sorularinizin yanitlarini hicbir forum uyesi bilmiyor. Siz biliyorsaniz aciklar misiniz, bizler de ogrenmis oluruz.

Bakmak yetmez, gormek gerek...

Ocak 28, 2009, 08:14:18 ös
Yanıtla #5
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Sayın Mahir,
Sorduğunuz soruların cevabını bildiğinizi düşünüyorum,bilmeseniz de Google 'dan girerek bulmak çok kolay ...Sizi temsil eden resimden neyin mücadelesini verdiğinizi anlayabiliyoruz...Okumayı sevmeniz ,siyasetle ve tarihle ilgilenmeniz sizin kadar genç bir arkadaşımız için takdir edilmesi gereken bir özelliktir; ancak karşıt fikirli yayınları da takip etmenizi rica ediyorum sizden. Masonluğu sadece size anlatıldığı ve okuduklarınız kadar biliyorsunuz (herkes gibi)...Hayatınızda hiç mason olduğunu bildiğiniz biriyle tanışmadığınızı düşünüyorum, inanın tanışsanız fikirleriniz değişecektir.

Ocak 29, 2009, 11:14:11 öö
Yanıtla #6
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Shu yashadigimiz dunyada her shey illuzion bundan haberdarim..bu gun iyi gorduyumuz  shey yarin dehshete cevrile bilir....bunu da biliyorum..gun be gun haberlerden dunyada olup biteni gosteren haberlerinde tam olarak dogru olmadigini da bliyorum...her kes kendine ne lazimsa ne gerekiyorsa,neyle insanlari dogrudan yanlisha sevk edecekse ona yonlendiriyorlardir...Shu dunyanin her tashi yalanla dolu..bunun icin de kime inanicagimizi bile bilemiyoruz Ozak kardeshim....onun icinde her dogruda yalan vardir,ve her yalanda da dogru bir shey ariyor shimdi insanlar....aslinda dogru ve yalan denilen bir sheyde yoktur...bu insanlarin hayal urunudur diye biliriz...Masonlarin iyi mi kotumu olmasini bilmiyorum shimdilik....amma onu biliyorum ki dunyada iyi insanlar yok ediliyor gun be gun

Ocak 29, 2009, 12:26:20 ös
Yanıtla #7
  • Ziyaretçi

amma onu biliyorum ki dunyada iyi insanlar yok ediliyor gun be gun

Takdir ilahi hacı... Bu dünyada kalıcı değiliz ya kendimiz çekip gideceğiz yada yollayacaklar :) Senin işin iş duyduğuma göre Müslümanlar a kıyak geçilecekmiş öbür tarafta beni artık kollarsın biraz.Şunun şurasında 2 gündür iyi kötü muhabbetimiz var. Nedersin kanki? Korurmusun beni?

Ocak 29, 2009, 12:32:17 ös
Yanıtla #8
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Ocak 29, 2009, 02:53:09 ös
Yanıtla #9
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turkcesini bulamadin..odurki ruscadana ingilisceye cevirdim...amma cok ilginc isteyen okuya bilir
                     Golden billion

Some people say that the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, they have fun. I would like to remind those people that medicine is the concept of «schizophrenia». One of the varieties of schizophrenia - masochism. Masochism - is when the person causing the body to his apparent injury, but the harm is obvious pleasure. All the people who say that have the pleasure of smoking and alcohol, tobacco and alcohol are mazohistami. These are people with a damaged psyche, shizofreniki that cause obvious harm to themselves, while confident and yourself and others that are of the same satisfaction.

But how many did not speak of our excellent teachers about the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco and various drugs, their lectures, and the notation on one of the few young people have already «podsevshih» for these «means of stress», forced, finally, to take care of their physical and mental health. Yes, and what good they lecture, if some teachers sin the same as for that other condemn their students.
At the changes students (and note, not just high school!) Calmly potyagivayut cigarettes near the school porch. «The main thing is that the toilets did not smoke», - and this state teachers! Well, what about! They are in fact responsible for fire safety! In addition, there will always be such «good teacher», which did not even react to such a «normal phenomena of modern life». And some of them even close to detishkami postoit, «for the company» with them to smoke, will demonstrate its «progressive approach» to the younger generation. However, in between training sessions, our students (I do not speak about the students) not only cigarettes, but beer potyagivayut has long been open.

Why? Media advertise alcoholic products. And, perhaps, is already no secret that the State Duma has bought beer mafia. And who would even know that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, when «rose» majority of factories and plants (what you want, but not alcohol), namely the production of alcoholic beverages increased by 4 times.

And who of you thought about how to obtain that the greatest country in the world razvalili to pieces and made the poor? In truth, the history of punish us for the ignorance of its lessons.

In February 1985, at the next meeting of «G», headed by the United States had finally decided to divide the Soviet Union for 52 dwarf independent state and force them to quarrel among themselves. Indeed, leading economists to estimate the West by the year 2015 will be completely depleted the natural resources of Western countries, and the only intact treasure is one sixth of the land where we all fortunate to be born and grow. On the collapse of the Soviet Union the so-called «world government» abandoned hundreds of billions of dollars. The program that has received the code name «Harvard Project». These billions was bought all the top of the CPSU, all media. And in 1991 they managed to do what was unable to Hitler.

In 1985, the «world government» decided by 2020, double the population to reduce the Soviet Union, but not an open war! The older generation should be destroyed by poverty, and the younger generation - razvratom, tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

8 years ago, Margaret Thatcher (former Prime Minister of England), referring to Western policy towards Russia, has publicly stated that «estimated world economic sense to leave the residence on the territory of Russia 15 million people»!!! We then had 150 million Imagine that the remaining 135 million should go for «alcohol, tobacco and drug knife»!!!

4 years later, our country has come, Madeleine Albright (former U.S. Secretary of State) and, speaking in Moscow, it is more gently repeated the same phrase: «estimated world economic sense to stay in Russia 15 million people».
And you know who, «estimated world» will be included in those 15 million? First of all, this service Trans-Siberian Railway (the shortest way from Japan to Europe), maintenance of the most polluting chemical and metallurgical industries, servicing the world's nuclear burial grounds, which will be converted into our country ... But the State Duma has passed a law about turning our country into the global nuclear a cemetery. We across Siberia now build first-class roads under the program of the world's dumping of nuclear waste.

We still have 145 million people! And we - witness the second act of this universal tragedy: the destruction of a Russian Federation. The program is code-named «Houston project». It provided tens of billions of dollars. And the explosions in Moscow and the war in Chechnya perpetrated and carried out at the very «Green Paper». And now for debauchery, alcoholisation narcotization our youth and the West continues to spend tens of billions of dollars.

The number of maternity homes since the «perestroika» decreased by 10 times! But you still think about what could be born children from drinking and smoking parents, if you know, of course, how much alcohol is destroying the physical health and lowers the mental capacity. Imagine a mug of beer in a month vyrubaet creativity of the physicist! It is clear that a person who regularly upotreblyayuschego beer, creativity cut down completely.

Until Khrushchev Russia was the «sober country» in the world (after us, in second place, was Norway). In 1957 when we launched the first satellite of the Earth, in a sober intelligence schoolboy Russia was the highest in the world. And now, when students at the changes blowing beer and smoke cigarettes, we were at the 100th place! According to the intelligence drunken schoolboy, Russia took a one hundredth of the world!

Not so long ago, in Russian book of John Kolimana called «three hundred Committee». John Koliman - British intelligence colonel, served 30 years in exploration, exploring hidden inside the controls global processes. As a result of his research has concluded that all the world's 300 richest manage the processes of family clans world. They are related to each other zhestochayshimi ties define world politics, a world government (the country «G») as puppets perform their will. At 70-years «Committee 300» commissioned research work, which proved that the natural resources on earth are limited, and for a comfortable stay during the third millennium on earth all the natural resources are not enough. Enough resources only for the 1 billion people. So «Committee three» formulated the theory of «golden billion». From 1970 to 2070 he worked. on the ground should stay no more than 1 billion people.! The remaining 5.5 billion to be unconditional destruction. In the «golden billion» hit U.S. population, Canada, Western Europe, Israel and Japan.

«The Committee of 300» has launched a program of global destruction of the Earth's population. In 70 years in Africa suddenly attacked AIDS. Now about 40% of Africa's population are infected with AIDS. Africa will be destroyed by AIDS and hunger. Nordic nations, it was decided to eliminate alcohol, tobacco and drugs. A Muslim nations that are its main mass of filth and do not take alcohol, decided to destroy the physical war.

11 September 2001 have been destroyed 2 towers of world-trade center. First post zaledenilo capita - 50 of thousands of victims! The largest terrorist act in the world! After 3 days - 9 thousand victims. A week later - 4,5 thousand Final: 1500 people died, but the 600 of them - are police officers, firefighters, rescue workers. It turns out that one month before the terrorist attack on all masonskim secret edition was published a direct warning that a forthcoming attack on the world-trade center. In the Russian-language magazine for the rich «Decoration and repair» a week before the attack on the front cover photo published with the image of the twin towers in their background - a white flag, the flag - a sign prohibiting parking (namely, the prohibition of being in these towers). Show, which will be beacons, and that the tip would be burned. Near the simplest decoding - attack from the air on 11 September. A month before the attack were evacuated from the staff, office equipment, chests of gold. A number of those killed were liftery, cloakroom, bufetchiki, cleaners, or Maintenance personnel. After this provocation the U.S. declared that they spat at the UN, the entire world community, international law, and any country that they would announce ukryvatelem terrorists start bombing. Under this brand the U.S. defeated Afghanistan, Iraq, then Syria, and so will

But back to Russia. Alkogolno-tobacco, drug genocide of our people continues. But most of us prefer to skeptical smile when they are trying to vtolkovat that alcohol razed entire peoples. And examples of world history knows предостаточно. At the time of alcohol were destroyed multimillion American Indian tribes. Now they are the pathetic remnants survive his age reserve for the barbed wire (so-called zoos for Indians).

The fact that alcohol is a weapon of mass destruction, knew all of the candidates for world domination. In 1942, Adolf Hitler, in formulating policies on the basis of occupation conquered eastern territories, in its directive wrote a total of three proposals: «It is necessary to keep the Slavs language. No health, no vaccine. Only vodka and tobacco ». And in the bowels of «SS» was developed a detailed plan for destruction of alcohol Ukrainian people. The plan envisages the sale of Ukrainians came under occupation, cheap vodka in exchange for a «waste paper book»! Have been receiving the items that people brought books ligament primarily spiritual content, and where he was given vodka, provided that he has these books burn. So «esesovtsy» supposed to destroy the spiritual wealth of the people and the nation vyrodit using alcohol.

Today, 44 countries in the world (primarily Muslim countries, the Middle East) are on the «dry law» and live well. Yes, imagine, there are countries where the people who use alcohol, and treated as insane! And the logic of this attitude is very simple: all pyuschie harming themselves, others, even pay for this money, and quite a lot of money! Well, apparently because mad!

Have you ever seen the happy children in families where at least one parent - a drunkard or an alcoholic? .. You think about how much the normal emotional human communication sozhrala we alone alcohol poison! .. And as far as it undermined the creative potential of our people!

And the so-called «cultural vypivayuschie» and «do not go out zapoya» - degrade everything from alcohol, but at different speeds. It is clear that the «world government» do not need nor our great history, or our rich culture, nor the Orthodox faith. They need our natural spaces, our resources. But is among us, there are those who abandon the great spiritual heritage of our ancestors? Really, there are those who can destroy themselves or to send their children into slavery?

If analysis of all acts which takes «our» think we can say with certainty that all of them aimed at a very rapid destruction of our country's population. But before you demand that our government anything, we should ask ourselves: what is my position? Is there among us, those who wanted his children to drink and spilis? Are we in order to save their country, their children, their future, can not themselves from the decline?!


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