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Gönderen Konu: Question  (Okunma sayısı 17161 defa)

0 Üye ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.

Aralık 06, 2006, 08:24:09 ös
  • Ziyaretçi

On an international level, do all lodges follow the same code and conduct or do they vary from country to country? Is ther a differnce in a Mason here in South Africa as to that in other countrys.

Aralık 06, 2006, 08:31:23 ös
Yanıtla #1
  • Administrator
  • Uzman Uye
  • *
  • İleti: 9553
  • Cinsiyet: Bay
    • Masonluk, Masonlardan Öğrenilmelidir

well. first of all i need to warn you. this is not the category for this subject. you should have post this question in "ASK US!" section. so now im gonna move it there and answer your question. before posting a message; please look for the category that it should belong to. Thank you

if that is a REGULAR LODGE;
1- Degrees and Rituals must be same or so much similar to each other.
2- Modes of Recognition must be same.
3- Landmarks must be same.
4- Code can be changed some depends on location but most of the things are the same.

if that is NOT a REGULAR LODGE
1- Women and Ateists are accepted to become a member
2- Holy Books are not open during the meetings

and more.

is there a difference in a Mason there and a Mason in another country?
Just a little bit. Main Ideas and knowledge will be same. If our Grand Lodges recognize each other; we still call each other Brothers and welcome to a visiting Brother. and almost everything is same. The difference will be on language, culture etc...
I have a Brother from MAUI in our Lodge.
« Son Düzenleme: Aralık 06, 2006, 08:47:31 ös Gönderen: MASON »
- Sahsima ozel mesaj atmadan once Yonetim Hiyerarsisini izleyerek ilgili yoneticiler ile gorusunuz.
- Masonluk hakkinda ozel mesaj ile bilgi, yardim ve destek sunulmamaktadir.
- Sorunuz ve mesajiniz hangi konuda ise o konudan sorumlu gorevli yada yonetici ile gorusunuz. Sahsim, butun cabalarinizdan sonra gorusmeniz gereken en son kisi olmalidir.
- Sadece hicbir yoneticinin cozemedigi yada forumda asla yazamayacaginiz cok ozel ve onemli konularda sahsima basvurmalisiniz.
- Masonluk ve Masonlar hakkinda bilgi almak ve en onemlisi kisisel yardim konularinda tarafima dogrudan ozel mesaj gonderenler cezalandirilacaktir. Bu konular hakkinda gerekli aciklama forum kurallari ve uyelik sozlesmesinde yeterince acik belirtilmsitir.

Ekim 09, 2007, 12:20:49 öö
Yanıtla #2
  • Ziyaretçi

i have question about the website that you are running on.
Are there any masons who is the member of your web site or running this web site ?My concern is how can i be sure about the information that you provide to my or other's questions will be trustful?

Ekim 09, 2007, 02:02:24 öö
Yanıtla #3
  • Ziyaretçi

i have question about the website that you are running on.
Are there any masons who is the member of your web site or running this web site ?My concern is how can i be sure about the information that you provide to my or other's questions will be trustful?
Yes, we have quite a few masons here on this board. They could be distinguished from the non-mason members by the ranks under their nick names. This is not to be confused with avatars which are merely tools to present whatever that member wants to show to other people. As you might see there are some members who have square and compasses on their avatars, but are not designated as a mason. This is due to:
1- Member not being a mason
2- Member who calls himself a mason, but is not a member of a REGULAR masonic lodge
3- Member being a mason, has not gone through proper steps to be recognized by the administive board of this forum.

How can you be sure? I don't know. If you are a brother mason you would know how to recognize us, but if not I guess you'll always be in doubt as to who is who, as it is almost the same way in any internet environment.

We as masons pride ourselves of being just, fair and honest. It is up to the reader to distinguish between what's right and what's wrong by using reason, logic, experience, education and thus knowledge. We call this process "receiving the light"

I hope this message explains how this forum operates, and answers your question.

Thank you for visiting.

Ekim 09, 2007, 07:43:39 öö
Yanıtla #4
  • Ziyaretçi

i really appriciate for your answer it was really quick and gave me enough information.Thus,are you operating the site from U.S ?If so , are you able to find out who is brother or not by making research?I really like the sentence that you mentioned "receiving the light"  because i wanted to be member of this webpage to recieve  more light !

Ekim 09, 2007, 09:51:42 öö
Yanıtla #5
  • Administrator
  • Uzman Uye
  • *
  • İleti: 9553
  • Cinsiyet: Bay
    • Masonluk, Masonlardan Öğrenilmelidir

Dear Alchemist,

We always welcome people who seeks further light in life. These kind of people are the ones we are looking for to share information, other than the ones stuck in the blind dark.

Yes. Some of us live here in US. But it doesnt mean we know all the Brethren in the world. A Mason can always recognize a Brother in the dark, as well as in the light. This is one of our main goals that we teach to each Brother.

I remember what they told me before i get initiated (Tekris). "When you are making a speech to lets say 30 thousand people, you will know how to act, move and use of little signs which only the Masons will recognize and will make them know that you are a Brother. Then you will also be able to recognize the Masons in that crowd."

Final point is, we are able to recognize a Brother most of the time without making any research, unless he wants to hide himself as a Mason. It is not about being in America, its about the teachings of Masonry. Any Mason (currently about 3 million around the world) can do the same.

Hope you can find The/More Light you seek.
Welcome and Enjoy.
« Son Düzenleme: Ekim 09, 2007, 09:58:48 öö Gönderen: MASON »
- Sahsima ozel mesaj atmadan once Yonetim Hiyerarsisini izleyerek ilgili yoneticiler ile gorusunuz.
- Masonluk hakkinda ozel mesaj ile bilgi, yardim ve destek sunulmamaktadir.
- Sorunuz ve mesajiniz hangi konuda ise o konudan sorumlu gorevli yada yonetici ile gorusunuz. Sahsim, butun cabalarinizdan sonra gorusmeniz gereken en son kisi olmalidir.
- Sadece hicbir yoneticinin cozemedigi yada forumda asla yazamayacaginiz cok ozel ve onemli konularda sahsima basvurmalisiniz.
- Masonluk ve Masonlar hakkinda bilgi almak ve en onemlisi kisisel yardim konularinda tarafima dogrudan ozel mesaj gonderenler cezalandirilacaktir. Bu konular hakkinda gerekli aciklama forum kurallari ve uyelik sozlesmesinde yeterince acik belirtilmsitir.

Ekim 09, 2007, 05:02:17 ös
Yanıtla #6
  • Ziyaretçi

Especially in U.S ,there are so many web sitees that explains the rituals.Some of the websites belongs to free and accepted lodges and explains detailed ritual inculuding signs,tokens,password with proper pictures.Any body who knoes Enghlish they can quickly learn them.What do you thing about that situation ?
Thanks again for your quick respond

Ekim 10, 2007, 07:49:08 öö
Yanıtla #7
  • Administrator
  • Uzman Uye
  • *
  • İleti: 9553
  • Cinsiyet: Bay
    • Masonluk, Masonlardan Öğrenilmelidir

Especially in U.S ,there are so many web sitees that explains the rituals.Some of the websites belongs to free and accepted lodges and explains detailed ritual inculuding signs,tokens,password with proper pictures.Any body who knoes Enghlish they can quickly learn them.What do you thing about that situation ?
Thanks again for your quick respond

Dear Alchemist,

You can not say the information you find on the net is trustworthy. Some of those information belongs to Irregular (Gayri muntazam) organisations and the others are eighter so old or total absurd.

There are a few true information there on the internet too. However, its not easy to find a Mason who is going to answer your questions to verify that information.

Finally, since you can never truly verify accuracy of the information which is revealed differently in every other website, i dont see any point to waste you time.

- Sahsima ozel mesaj atmadan once Yonetim Hiyerarsisini izleyerek ilgili yoneticiler ile gorusunuz.
- Masonluk hakkinda ozel mesaj ile bilgi, yardim ve destek sunulmamaktadir.
- Sorunuz ve mesajiniz hangi konuda ise o konudan sorumlu gorevli yada yonetici ile gorusunuz. Sahsim, butun cabalarinizdan sonra gorusmeniz gereken en son kisi olmalidir.
- Sadece hicbir yoneticinin cozemedigi yada forumda asla yazamayacaginiz cok ozel ve onemli konularda sahsima basvurmalisiniz.
- Masonluk ve Masonlar hakkinda bilgi almak ve en onemlisi kisisel yardim konularinda tarafima dogrudan ozel mesaj gonderenler cezalandirilacaktir. Bu konular hakkinda gerekli aciklama forum kurallari ve uyelik sozlesmesinde yeterince acik belirtilmsitir.


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