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Gönderen Konu: Esoteric Mastermind Group  (Okunma sayısı 5540 defa)

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Eylül 19, 2011, 08:13:49 öö
Yanıtla #10
  • Ziyaretçi

Dear Member,

Below is an outline of what the group may be. It covers most of the initial information one would be interested in.

Hope to hear from anyone who is interested in the concept.



1- What is the "Esoteric and personal development mastermind group?"

The term mastermind simply means an alliance of two or more individuals dedicating themselves to a specific goal.

In this case the goal being the attainment of esoteric knowledge as well as personal development.

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, first defined the mastermind as a “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

2.-What type of an individual will the group benefit?

The group may benefit anyone who holds high - Morality, Respect, Truth, Honesty and the pursuit of Knowledge, as well as on going personal development.

The group may benefit any individual seriously interested in esoteric studies. This can happen in more than one way, depending on the individual’s commitment to both the studies and the mastermind group.

3- How this group will benefit me?

The mastermind ideal can help you in several ways:

I. - You have a group of people available to help you succeed in achieving the desired goal.

In our case, this is the study of esoteric wisdom and personal development.

II. - You get the benefit of differing perspectives, input and feedback.

You will have the opportunity to meet people who share the same passion for the subject, and discuss ideas, questions that you, or they may have.

You may also be able to see a point raised from a different perspective as a result of interacting with the group, and therefore find solutions to your own questions.

III. - Your mastermind group can bring resources and connections to the table you might not have had on your own.

This may be in the form of study resources such as books, videos, audios, web links etc.; or they may know other people who have similar interests, and would be interested in contributing to the group.

IV. - You receive accountability and inspiration from the group, thus enabling you to maintain focus in achieving your goals.

Naturally, members of the group will have a sense of accountability towards one another, as well as the group and its purpose.
As a result this may encourage each individual to become more productive in their esoteric studies.

V. – You will be dealing with people who have similar, if not the same core values as yourself.

The mastermind group will operate based on core values important to all of us. These include respect of privacy, respect of each individual’s beliefs regardless of race, religion or politics.

4- How much time and money will this group cost me?

The group is currently in "beta" stage as preliminary information is being gathered on the number of people who would be interested.

The current model of the group is based on the idea of bringing in like-minded people and therefore membership does not cost you anything.

However as the group develops and its membership increases, we may all be encouraged to donate towards things such as funding a more suitable venue for our meetings. (I.e. lecture rooms, etc.)

The time you invest will depend on the frequency of meetings held. At this stage this may be once a fortnight, or once a month depending on what may be of the most convenience to all the members.

Of course, you will also be encouraged to invest time (where appropriate and where possible according to your schedule) in your studies, as various topics and literature will be discussed. This should not be an issue bearing in mind your reasons for joining the group in the first place.

5- How will being a member help me improve my knowledge? What are some of the way in which this will happen?

As mentioned above, the group will encourage you to become more productive and therefore as a result increase your knowledge in more than one way.
More specifically though, once the group has firmly planted its roots, and its growth has gained some momentum, the following ideas may be firmly on the agenda:

-   Opportunity for group members to prepare presentations on specific topics.

-   Opportunity for Authors, speakers or other public figures to present or talk.

-   Opportunity for members of esoteric orders to present on certain topics. (I.e. a Mason who would be interest in contributing, and thus seeing it as a project of development for themselves.)

-   Planned reading of specific literature and following up with a group discussion.

-   Planned outings to relevant sites, museums etc.

6- Why join an "Esoteric" group in Turkey, rather than finding the information online?

While there is a countless amount of information available on the internet, there is also a lot of it which is not filtered for credibility. This means that the sources are not always known or reliable.

Many people who study the subject by themselves eventually come to the conclusion that they feel the need to connect to other individuals with the same interests.

The purpose of the group is to bring together those who are interested in the esoteric studies and give them a platform on which to work together towards a common goal, IN PERSON.

All of the above aside, it seems very difficult to find people who have esoteric interests here in Turkey. While they may be out there, finding them is a whole different issue in itself, and often takes a long time.
The mastermind group here is supposed to speed up that process.

7- Who runs this group? Does he know enough to be the head of this group?

While there will be individuals responsible for distributing correspondence and arranging meetings, the group is not designed to be hierarchical, or have one person as its head. Neither will there be a guru or a "source of knowledge" in a human body.

The ultimate purpose is to bring together people who will share, discuss, analyse, criticise, debate, and as a result be able to improve their knowledge on both an individual and group levels.

The attainment of knowledge will ultimately come through the combination of all the points mentioned in the previous questions.

8- Will there be any religious/political teachings activities?

The simple answer is NO, although some aspects of politics and religion may be discussed as they are inevitably connected to esotericism.

This group is neither religious nor political, and should your reasons for joining be primarily based on politics and religion then it is strongly advised that you look elsewhere.

9. - How do I qualify? What is required of me?

The following requirements are key in order to be able to join the Mastermind group:

-   You must possess a serious interest as well as a passion for the esoteric/occult studies.

-   You must possess a similar passion for the on-going process of personal development.

-   Ideally it is essential that you believe in a Supreme Being, regardless of your religious affiliation.

-   You must be willing to commit time to the project and respect others doing so.

10. – What this group is NOT.

This group is not:

-   A political group. It does not, and will not have any affiliation or agenda of such nature.
-   A religious group. It does not, and will not have any affiliation or agenda of such nature.
-   At this point in time connected to any other esoteric organisations. Should this happen in the future, it will only be for the purposes of studying the esoteric doctrine.
-   A cult. Do not approach thinking that you are joining a cult with a hidden agenda.

11. – I am interested. What’s next?

If you think that you are the kind of a person that the group may benefit from, then do not hesitate to get in touch.

A brief introduction about yourself, your reasons for joining, and what you may bring to the table would be the first step to take.


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  Konu / Başlatan Yanıt Son Gönderilen:
3 Yanıt
11961 Gösterim
Son Gönderilen: Eylül 27, 2006, 05:04:14 öö
Gönderen: MASON